Thursday, March 22, 2012

Heart Health, whats the big deal?

We hear it in the news all the time, be healthy and take care of your heart, but why? Well... I'm glad you asked! Heart disease is the leading cause of death in American women and men and causes more female deaths than all female cancers combined! Bet you didnt know that one.. This was my reaction

So yes, I might as well keep going while I'm on this IMPORTANCE KICK!

Among men, death rates are higher for heart disease than ALL forms of cancer COMBINED...
Women's heart attack symptoms are varied from men's (whole new blog to come)

Studies suggest that a 10 percent decrease in total cholesterol levels may reduce the development of coronary heart disease by almost 30 percent, with odds like that, I'm down!

Major risk factors for heart disease inclde high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking/tobacco use, diabetes, physical inactivity and poor nutrition.
Now people lets think about this, what do all these things have in common other than a HUGE problem for current Americans?

Hmmm... I'll let you think for a second....

Seconds up, I'm impatient!

Answer: 80% of risk factors for heart disease are preventable!

Thats right, you read it can be prevented.. So this is why I chose to intern with the Heart Check Program.. Lets raise awareness one blog post at a time..


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